Wednesday, May 13, 2020

My favourite piece of technology

I think I'm a person who can't live with out technology. I use it everyday, every second. The internet, my notebook, my mobile, the oven to cook, and so many thing. But the thing who I love about technology is my analog camera.
It's an old model to take analog photos, my best friend gave it to me the last year. I like to take photos to my friend when they don't realize, I mean: spontaneous photos. I love photographing landscapes and flowers. I would like to capture bird, but it's so fast!
I love it beacuse it's a way to store and save so many moments to remember after. Usually my camera it's always with me, I go everywhere with it. When I travel it's my partner.
I think I can live with out it, it's not essential but I prefer taking care of it and enyoing its company!
There are some photos of the last year, i hope you enjoying see it!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Let me introduce me!

Hi, everyone!

This is my first post so I'm going to tell you something about me and my life.

First, I was born in Santiago and I lived all my life here. Actualy, I'm 25 years old, but this month it's my birthday, my first quarantined birthday.

I studied in three diferents schools. The last one was San Carlos de Aragón School, on this place a had a humanistic education and I loved it. After finishing my studies I took the PSU, and I started to study Philosophy, but it wasn't my passion so I left it. Then, I started to study Gastronomy and I really love cooking, but I didn't like work environment. The chefs are so violent and misogynists, so I left to work in restaurants and I start to do my own production of salad meals to sell to my friends.
So, after thinking a lot, I took the PSU again and I started to study Public Administration, and I love it. Finally, I found my passion, I hope to be a good public worker.

About my family, I live with my parents and my little brother in Puente Alto, he's 9 years old. And, we live with Lulu and Viento, a puppy and a hamster respectively, my two pets.

In my free time, one of things I enjoy the most is to cooking for my family, Is something I do very often because it’s rewarding for me to see how much they love the food  i make and obviusly enjoy it myself eating it too. Another things is that I love to cook vegetarian meals because animals are friend, not food!  Please, don’t forget it!

Have a nice week, everyone!

Blog experience

I think the first thing I can say about Blogs is that it has been an entertaining way to learn about my colleagues and also a good way to te...