Saturday, July 25, 2020


The impact of the new times is something that I can notice in my family. All my aunts have dedicated themselves to housework and caring for their children, it is not the same with the situation with my cousins, we have all decided to study and make our lives differently, but despite this our mothers have taught us things basic to be functional adults like cooking, sewing, cleaning, ect. I think that this cultural change has done us good, because we are functional in many aspects, we all work and study, we do sports and we can be fine with it.
At least in my personal experience, I believe that family is important as long as they are good to me, for example I have no relationship with my grandmother because I believe that she is a person who does not contribute good things for me, I believe that families are built and that they do not we must necessarily form them by blood. And we should not include in our lives people who harm us just because they are part of our blood families. It is something that helps to heal and be a much better person in the future.

I love my parents and brother, I believe that despite our differences they are people who contribute to my life and want my well-being. Today they are the most important thing for me and I am very happy that we can be together and accompany us in this crisis.
Similarly, I consider that many of my friends and friends of my parents are part of my family.
As I said, family is not just about blood, it's about feelings and well-being.

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