Sunday, July 5, 2020

A photograph I like

On 2014, I was studying Gastronomy, for that reason I did an internship in Chiloé between december and february. I worked in a hotel near to Castro.

I choose this pictures because it remebers me those days. It was my first trip alone. I knew a lots of people and places. I learned some new recepies and new ways of life, too.
This photo was taken by a friend I met there. Together we went to Castro and Dalcahue, sometimes we crossed to Quinchao, it's an island near to Dalcahue.
At the end of our internship with other friends we went to Quellón, we wanted to know "Tantauco", a national park. It was an amazing trip. We saw a lot of animals like a chucao, a monito del monte and a pudú.

I love this pictures, because it has thing I love of Chiloé. The landscapes, the "palafitos", a friend and peace.


  1. Chiloé is so beautiful, this is a great picture!

  2. OMG Chiloé! An incredible place! and it's a magical island.


Blog experience

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