Sunday, June 21, 2020

My career.

Today, I going to tell all the story how actually I study Public Administration.
When I was 15, I love so much the tv show CSI, I wanted to be criminalist, but over time I was interest in social sciences like philosophy, history, civic ans others.
On 2011, when I was 17, I chose to study Philosophy... It was a very bad choice! I left it on 3rd semester. I didn't like the topic and the people, they tried to pretend to be more than the rest of people and I felt awkward.

After that, I studied Gastronomy, It was a weird change, but I feel fine with that, I knew a lot of good people, I learned about food and culture, I traveled to some many places like Chiloé, Los Vilos, Pichidangui, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, and others. But when I got my certification and started to work, it was horrible. It's a misogen enviroment with horrible schedule and bad salary. I worked about 2 years and then, I decided to start to study again.
I looking for information about Public Administration and I love it, it's the mix between history, civic, politic and administration. But the thing I like the most it's the social sense, a public administrator work to help the citizens.
To the date, I'm 26 years and this is my seventh year at the university and in spite of the stress and the mental fatigue, I really love to study. It's a opportunity to know people and friends, To learn about other realitys and some many things.
In the future, I want to work in the Contraloría General de la República, or some institution about DDHH, because I like the administrative law and used it to help people.

Some people say: "The third time's the charm" and I AGREE! (I hope so, my parents too)


  1. you've had a lot of experiences about different careers!!

  2. I think it's very cool that you have tried different things, it helps us discover what we like the most :)


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