Saturday, July 25, 2020

Blog experience

I think the first thing I can say about Blogs is that it has been an entertaining way to learn about my colleagues and also a good way to tell them about me.
I think it is useful for me to write about topics that I like, so I feel part of the job and not only an obligation.
It improved my writing ability, I learned new words and connectors.
I think that more related topics could be included about each one's career, so we can know specific words from each area and it becomes much more useful for the future, when we work.
Perhaps the evaluation modality would change, I think it would be much better to receive the feedbacks on each blog within the same week, to have the most updated knowledge and not receive everything together.
I think it was a good experience, I had fun telling about my life and all my time at the university, all the places I knew, the things I like and what my career is like.


The impact of the new times is something that I can notice in my family. All my aunts have dedicated themselves to housework and caring for their children, it is not the same with the situation with my cousins, we have all decided to study and make our lives differently, but despite this our mothers have taught us things basic to be functional adults like cooking, sewing, cleaning, ect. I think that this cultural change has done us good, because we are functional in many aspects, we all work and study, we do sports and we can be fine with it.
At least in my personal experience, I believe that family is important as long as they are good to me, for example I have no relationship with my grandmother because I believe that she is a person who does not contribute good things for me, I believe that families are built and that they do not we must necessarily form them by blood. And we should not include in our lives people who harm us just because they are part of our blood families. It is something that helps to heal and be a much better person in the future.

I love my parents and brother, I believe that despite our differences they are people who contribute to my life and want my well-being. Today they are the most important thing for me and I am very happy that we can be together and accompany us in this crisis.
Similarly, I consider that many of my friends and friends of my parents are part of my family.
As I said, family is not just about blood, it's about feelings and well-being.

This semester

This semester has been one of the most difficult of my career, in addition to being in a context of health crisis, I have 7 subjects to take, all equally important or requiring time.
My favorite subject of this semester is Accounting, the teacher assigned to me is very empathetic and kind in understanding the complications of the semester, I believe that his way of being is a factor that influences my willingness to learn with him.
In addition, it is a very important field as an introduction to government accounting, which is one of the topics that I must learn if I want to work in public law or in the Contraloría.
The only bad thing about this subject is that it is taught very late and it is exhausting, but I have learned a lot and I have obtained very good grades.

Oh, it is also an internal challenge that I have with mathematics, this subject includes many calculations, but with the help of the teacher and his assistant I have been able to beat this subject that costs me so much.
The truth is that I have really liked all the subjects this semester and I think that they are all important for the integral formation of my career, but Accounting is the one that has entertained me the most.

A career-related website

The website I like is amazing, it's the Contraloría General de la República instagram page's.
In this site a bird called "Contralorito" explains  the work they realize.
It's a easy way to close the normal citizen to the labol of Contraloría, they use modern tools like memes and funny cartoons.
They are so many characters:
- Contralorito like the contralor
- Francisca, she's the Contralorito's assistant
- Trucha like a bad person, she use the public resources to bad things
- Chanchullo, he's like Trucha.
- And others, like Contralorito's son and actual characters.
 It's a really fun page, where we can learn about the functions and competence of the Contraloría General de la Republica.
This is the link where you can visit:
And this is some funny post:

Sunday, July 5, 2020

A photograph I like

On 2014, I was studying Gastronomy, for that reason I did an internship in Chiloé between december and february. I worked in a hotel near to Castro.

I choose this pictures because it remebers me those days. It was my first trip alone. I knew a lots of people and places. I learned some new recepies and new ways of life, too.
This photo was taken by a friend I met there. Together we went to Castro and Dalcahue, sometimes we crossed to Quinchao, it's an island near to Dalcahue.
At the end of our internship with other friends we went to Quellón, we wanted to know "Tantauco", a national park. It was an amazing trip. We saw a lot of animals like a chucao, a monito del monte and a pudú.

I love this pictures, because it has thing I love of Chiloé. The landscapes, the "palafitos", a friend and peace.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

My career.

Today, I going to tell all the story how actually I study Public Administration.
When I was 15, I love so much the tv show CSI, I wanted to be criminalist, but over time I was interest in social sciences like philosophy, history, civic ans others.
On 2011, when I was 17, I chose to study Philosophy... It was a very bad choice! I left it on 3rd semester. I didn't like the topic and the people, they tried to pretend to be more than the rest of people and I felt awkward.

After that, I studied Gastronomy, It was a weird change, but I feel fine with that, I knew a lot of good people, I learned about food and culture, I traveled to some many places like Chiloé, Los Vilos, Pichidangui, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, and others. But when I got my certification and started to work, it was horrible. It's a misogen enviroment with horrible schedule and bad salary. I worked about 2 years and then, I decided to start to study again.
I looking for information about Public Administration and I love it, it's the mix between history, civic, politic and administration. But the thing I like the most it's the social sense, a public administrator work to help the citizens.
To the date, I'm 26 years and this is my seventh year at the university and in spite of the stress and the mental fatigue, I really love to study. It's a opportunity to know people and friends, To learn about other realitys and some many things.
In the future, I want to work in the Contraloría General de la República, or some institution about DDHH, because I like the administrative law and used it to help people.

Some people say: "The third time's the charm" and I AGREE! (I hope so, my parents too)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

My favourite piece of technology

I think I'm a person who can't live with out technology. I use it everyday, every second. The internet, my notebook, my mobile, the oven to cook, and so many thing. But the thing who I love about technology is my analog camera.
It's an old model to take analog photos, my best friend gave it to me the last year. I like to take photos to my friend when they don't realize, I mean: spontaneous photos. I love photographing landscapes and flowers. I would like to capture bird, but it's so fast!
I love it beacuse it's a way to store and save so many moments to remember after. Usually my camera it's always with me, I go everywhere with it. When I travel it's my partner.
I think I can live with out it, it's not essential but I prefer taking care of it and enyoing its company!
There are some photos of the last year, i hope you enjoying see it!

Blog experience

I think the first thing I can say about Blogs is that it has been an entertaining way to learn about my colleagues and also a good way to te...